Effective weight loss - the 10 commandments as effectively

Most of us have had many attempts to diet and weight reduction. Even if by reducing calorie
intake we managed to lose weight, typically lost during dieting weight returned. So what to do to lose weight turned out to be long-lasting? Here are the ten commandments that make weight loss more effective.

It should apply the following recommendations regarding the basic principles of weight loss. Maybe in the beginning they will seem difficult to implement. However, it soon turns out that new habits will become second nature and you will not be able to imagine a return to the old diet and lifestyle. Please remember: losing weight is only half the battle. When you lose weight, you have to get used to your new body weight, keeping it for months. This will bring the weight gain will be much more difficult. Keep this in mind when the euphoria left of the importance of showing the number of kilograms dream you'll want to reach for something you have not eaten, fighting

1. Losing weight is a process that should be planned for a long time

Most diets, especially the very extreme, based mainly on water loss. After them, the body quickly returns to its former weight. They only make sense if in a few days you need to lose a few centimeters at the waist to fit into your favorite dress and look good on the big ball. On the other hand used too often make havoc in your body: yo-yo effect makes it increasingly tyjesz and periods of not eating slows metabolism, so that subsequent attempts to bring worse results. Therefore it is better not to talk about diet, and a change of diet and the whole process of planning for months: to prepare for the slow weight loss and periods when, despite efforts weight or twitch.
2. Losing weight will effect if you eat small portions but more often

Scientifically proven that consuming the same items in the two meals a day can lead to gain weight, and five meals - weight loss. This is due to the fact that your body, from immemorial accustomed to periods of hunger, tries to stock up on a "black day" in the form of so disliked by you of fat. Two meals a day is a signal that food stocks run out and time to prepare for the post. In contrast, eating small portions of four-five times a day, give his own body to understand that it does not run out of food, and all the energy you can safely consume on current needs, and even reduce inventories accumulated earlier.
3. Effective weight loss is eating five meals a day

Eating a second breakfast and afternoon tea in the form of small meals has one big advantage: it prevents greater decreases in blood sugar, resulting in a call hunger. A hungry that you eat more, your dinner may exceed the designated frame and inhibit weight loss.
4. Weight loss will be thoughtful and effective if you plan your meals

Think about what you eat tomorrow, it's a great way to stay on the diet and not eating fattening things. This will allow for the planning of meals eaten at work (and prior preparation), making shopping lists and get used to regular meal times. This way you will not be forced to of dining at fast food because you forgot to bring something to work, and you'll be able to easily control what and how much you eat throughout the day
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