His body thin .. There is no fat in his body almost his shoulders small .. and not broad .. difficult for him because it increases the weight because the burn rate Andhvi Algesmh burn calories faster .. needy calories remains very high in order to increase the weight gain is estimated Adila advised Bakhadd complementary to provide calories Ahararwalujbh bedtime is very important for him
- Mizumorv: Mesomorph
Average size .. shape sports
He has muscles .. and easy to weigh more or less
His body fat is gaining faster than Alambromorv
Best a training system for the body that combines training with weights with cardio (was, Skipping rope, pike)
Eating needed reduces fat
- Andomorv: Endomorph
Body fat huge, and it very much shorter limbs and Atakn increases fat very easily, the strongest muscle in the body is the man, muscle size acquires easily but is difficult because it reduces body fat
The rate at which a slow burn, cardio exercise is needed to be a great rate to fat ratio does not increase in body
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